1) The Applicant shall operate their business in a responsible manner and actively promote the Licensing Objectives at all times.
Prevention of crime and disorder
1)a) The premises licence holder shall ensure that a CCTV system is installed in the premises of a standard acceptable to Suffolk Constabulary. The system shall be maintained in good working order & fully operational covering all internal areas of the premises to which the public have access and also the area immediately outside the premises. All entry and exit points shall be covered enabling frontal identification (full head and shoulders images), of every person entering the premises in any light condition to an evidential standard.
b) All staff shall be fully trained in the operation of the CCTV system including the ability to download screenshots and images for Police or Authorised Officers on request. A minimum of one such member of staff fully trained in the operation of the CCTV system shall be on duty at all times that the premises are open to the public.
c) Screenshots and images shall be provided immediately to the Police or Authorised Officers on request.
d) The CCTV system shall have the capability to either download footage onto a disk or memory stick. The footage of the CCTV system shall be retained for a minimum period of 31 days before re-writing itself with the correct date and time showing.
e) If the CCTV system is broken the premises licence holder shall notify the Licensing Authority and Police Licensing Team as soon as possible and get the fault rectified as soon as practicable.
f) The premises licence holder shall ensure that a log is kept with the details of the dates of all work / repairs carried out on the CCTV system including the name and phone number of the engineer.
g) On a minimum daily basis the premises licence holder / DPS shall check that the CCTV system is operational and the date and time stamp are correctly set and on a minimum of a weekly basis check that the CCTV system is also correctly recording images for a minimum of 31 days and that screenshots and footage can be correctly downloaded. Details of these checks shall be recorded in the appropriate section of the Incident Book.
2) An Incident Book shall be kept at the premises and made available to the Police or Authorised Officers, which shall record the following:
All crimes reported;
Lost property;
All ejections of customers;
Any complaints received and the outcome;
Any incidents of disorder;
Any faults in the CCTV;
Any refusal in the sale of alcohol;
Any visit by a relevant authority or emergency service. Whenever Police are called a CAD number shall be obtained and recorded in the Incident Book.
3) Appropriate notices shall be clearly displayed by the entry / exit door and behind the counter advising customers:
That CCTV and the Challenge 25 proof of age policy are in operation;
Of the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 regarding underage or proxy sales;
Of the permitted (licensed) hours for the sale of alcohol and the opening hours of the shop;
Asking customers to respect residents, to leave the shop and area quietly, not to loiter or drink outside the shop and to dispose of litter legally;
That customers may not drink alcohol in the premises;
That the shop does not buy alcohol or tobacco goods from unsolicited (cold) callers to the premises at any time and that details of any such unsolicited (cold) callers including CCTV images will be passed to the Police.
4) There shall be no supply of alcohol for consumption off the premises except in sealed containers.
5) All spirits shall be displayed behind the counter and all other alcohol shall be displayed in clear line of sight of the counter.
6) All displays of alcohol shall be specifically covered by CCTV at all times.
7) A maximum of 20% of the retail display space shall be used for the display of alcohol at any time.
8) All alcohol not on display shall be stored in a lockable store.
9) The premises shall actively engage with and work with the local Police Team and the Police and Council Licensing Teams.
10) Invoices or copies of all invoices relating to all alcohol and tobacco goods shall be kept on the premises for at least a year after the date of purchase. Alcohol and tobacco shall never be purchased from a cold caller to the shop. A notice shall be clearly displayed advising persons entering the shop that no alcohol or tobacco is purchased from unsolicited callers and that their details shall be provided to the Police.
Public safety
1) A fire risk assessment and emergency plan shall be prepared and regularly reviewed. Staff shall be given appropriate fire safety training.
Prevention of public nuisance
1) Appropriate notices shall be clearly displayed by the entry / exit door and behind the counter. (See Box B Prevention of Crime & Disorder - Condition 3 for full details.)
2) Management and staff shall proactively discourage persons from drinking or loitering outside the shop both by monitoring the CCTV system & physical checks, politely asking persons drinking or loitering outside the shop to leave the area quietly & quickly.
3) The shop front shall be kept tidy at all times and shall be swept at close.
4) No deliveries shall be received or removal of rubbish especially glass take place between 20.00 and 08.00 daily.
Protection of children from harm
1) Appropriate notices shall be displayed by the entry / exit door and behind the counter. (See Box B Prevention of Crime & Disorder - Condition 3 for full details.
2) The Challenge 25 proof of age policy shall be operated and only a photographic driving licence, a valid passport, a valid UK Armed Forces photographic identity card with the bearer`s photograph on it or Home Office approved proof of age card with the bearer`s photograph and the PASS hologram on it shall be accepted as proof of age.
3) A written refusals record shall be kept as part of the Incident Book and made available to Police or Authorised Officers on request.
The refusals record shall contain details of date & time, description of the person attempting to buy the age restricted products & the products that they were attempting to purchase , reasons why the sale was refused and the name and signature of the person refusing the sale. The refusals book shall be examined on a weekly basis by the premises licence holder / DPS and the data and time of each examination is to be endorsed in the book.
4) All staff shall be trained for their role on induction and be given refresher training at minimum intervals of six months thereafter. Training shall include the operation of the CCTV system including downloading screenshots and footage and the Challenge 25 proof of age scheme, including identifying persons under 25, making a challenge, acceptable proof of age, making and recording a refusal, proxy sales, avoiding conflict, responsible alcohol retailing and safeguarding children, girls & women
A written training record shall be kept for each member of staff and produced to Police or Authorised Officers on request.