1 The Licence holder shall ensure that the maximum occupancy of the licensed premises is restricted at any one time to: 400.
2 The Licence holder shall display any conditions of entry to the premises in the vicinity of any entrance to the premises.
3 The Licence holder shall be responsible for the disposal of waste on the frontage of the premises and make provision for the emptying of litter bins in the vicinity of the premises.
4 The Licence holder shall ensure that lighting is provided outside the premises during the hours of darkness when any licensable activity takes place on the premises.
5 The Licence holder shall make sure that escape routes and exits, including external exits, are maintained to ensure that they are not obstructed, in good order with non-slippery and even surfaces, free of trip hazards and clearly identified.
6 The Licence holder shall make sure that where chairs and tables are provided, internal gangways are kept unobstructed.
7 The Licence holder shall make sure that all exit doors are easily openable and do not require the use of a key, card, code or similar means
8 The Licence holder shall make sure that the edges of the treads of steps and stairways are maintained so as to be conspicuous.
9 Safety checks are to be carried out before the admission of the public or club members and guests; and details of such checks are kept in a Log-book.
10 The Licence holder shall make sure that Hangings, curtains and temporary decorations are maintained in a flame-retardant condition.
11 The Licence holder shall make sure that any upholstered seating meets on a continuous basis the pass criteria for smouldering ignition source 0, flaming ignition source 1 and crib ignition source 5 when tested in accordance with section 5 of Bs 5852:1990.
12 The Licence holder shall make sure that Hangings, curtains and temporary decorations are arranged so as not to obstruct exits, fire safety signs or fire-fighting equipment.
13 The Licence holder shall make sure that notices detailing the action to be taken in the event of fire or other emergencies, including how the fire brigade should be summoned, are prominently displayed and protected from damage and deterioration.
14 The fire brigade will be called at once to any outbreak of fire, however slight, and the details recorded in a Fire Log-book.
15 Access for emergency vehicles is to be kept clear and free from obstruction.
16 The Licence holder shall make sure that when disabled people are present, adequate arrangements exist to enable their safe evacuation in the event of an emergency, and that patrons are made aware of these arrangements.
17 The Licence holder shall make sure that adequate and appropriate supply of first aid equipment and materials is available on the premises.
18 The Licence holder shall make sure that at least one suitable trained first aider will be on duty when the public are present.
19 The Licence holder shall make sure that the use of special effects or mechanical installation is arranged and stored so as to minimise any risk to the safety of the audience, performers and staff.
20 The Licence holder shall provide sufficient seating to accommodate 100% of the maximum capacity of the premises.
21 The number of attendants on each floor in a closely seated auditorium will be as set out below:
Members of the audience present on a floor
Minimum number of attendants required to be present on that floor
1-100 One
101 - 250 Two
251 - 500 Three
501 - 750 Four
751 - 1000 Five
Each additional 250 persons (or part thereof) One
22 The Licence holder shall make sure that attendants are not engaged in any duties that would hinder the prompt discharge of their duties in the event of an emergency or entail their absence from the auditorium where they are on duty.
23 The Licence holder shall make sure that attendants will be readily identifiable to the audience.
24 The Licence holder shall not use the premises for a closely seated audience except in accordance with seating plans. A copy of the plan is to be displayed at the premises.
25 The Licence holder shall make sure that no article are attached to the back of any seats which reduce the clear width of seatways or cause a tripping hazard or obstruction.
26 The Licence holder shall keep a copy of any certificate relating to the design, construction and loading of any temporary seating available so that it can be shown to any authorised person on request.
27 The Licence holder shall make sure that sitting on floors is not permitted except where authorised in the premises licence.
28 The Licence holder shall make sure that waiting or standing is not permitted except in areas designated in the premises licence.
29 The Licence holder shall make sure that in no circumstances is anyone permitted to:-
(i) sit in any gangway;
(ii) stand or sit in front of an exit; or
(iii) stand or sit on any staircase including any landings.
30 The Licence holder shall make sure that any request by an authorised officer of the Council in relation to reducing noise levels is complied with.
31 The Licence holder shall nominate a person to be responsible for monitoring noise levels and instruct that person to implement changes in noise levels in accordance with any request by an authorised officer of the Council immediately and ensure that volume is maintained at the reduced level.
32 The Licence holder shall ensure that receptacles for waste are emptied regularly to minimise noxious smells.
33 The Licence holder shall ensure that flashing or particularly bright lights on or outside the licensed premises do not cause a nuisance to nearby properties, whilst balancing the need for lighting in the interests of prevention of crime and disorder.
34 The Licence holder shall provide adequate and suitable (lidded) receptacles to receive and store refuse from the premises/site.
35 The Licence holder shall make sure that receptacles for refuse storage are maintained in a clean condition.
36 The Licence holder shall make sure litter is regularly cleared from the vicinity of the premises.
37 A crime prevention policy agreed by the police and local authority shall be in place.
38 In the absence of adequate daylight, the Licence holder shall make sure that the lighting in any area accessible to the public is fully operational.
39 The Licence holder shall make sure that Fire safety signs are adequately illuminated.
40 The Licence holder shall not alter Emergency lighting without prior notification to the Licensing Authority.
41 The Licence holder shall make sure that Emergency lighting batteries are fully charged before admission of the public.
42 In the event of failure of normal lighting, where the emergency lighting battery has a capacity of one hour, the Licence holder shall make sure that evacuation of the premises is possible within 20 minutes.
43 The Licence holder shall not provide temporary electrical wiring and distribution systems without prior inspection by a suitably qualified electrician
44 The Licence holder shall make sure that any temporary electrical wiring and distribution systems comply with the recommendations of BS 7671 or where applicable BS 7909.
45 The Licence holder shall make sure that the following systems are maintained and inspected by suitably qualified professional persons in accordance with any British Standards and at intervals recommended in national guidance, and will keep the records of such inspections available for inspection by authorised officers on request:
Building Electrical Installation
Emergency Lighting System
Fire Warning System
Gas boiler, calorifier or appliance
Oil fired boiler or appliance
Suspended ceilings
Portable fire fighting equipment
Temporary Electrical Installation
46 The Licence holder shall make sure that the premises have valid public liability insurance in force and that a copy of the schedule is available for inspection by an authorised officer on request.
47 The Licence holder shall not alter the premises in such a way as to make it impossible to comply with an existing licence condition, without first seeking a variation of the premises licence.