1. The maximum capacity for this event will be 4,999 inclusive of all persons on site (staff, stewards, food vendors, suppliers, contractors, attendees/visitor, and artists).
2. The proposed events throughout the year are Community Easter Event (April), The Rendlesham Show (June), Music Festival (August) & Fireworks Night (November) in Jubilee Park
3. The events are free and non-ticketed to be affordable and inclusive of the whole demographics locally.
4. Events Coordinators, Stewards and Volunteers will be present on site to ensure the safety of persons present and to help prevent crime and disorder.
5. All structures and stage areas will be erected and maintained by professional contractors who will ensure that all structures are in accordance with the relevant British Safety Standards.
6. There will be no amplified music after 23:00 to avoid noise nuisance in surrounding residential area.
7. TENS License to be provided by mobile bar who will be responsible for alcohol sales. The bar staff will monitor alcohol consumption to prevent drunken behaviour.
8. Lost Child & Vulnerable policy will be in place to be followed by events coordinator, stewards & volunteers.
9. An event and site-specific Event Management Plan will be developed, accessible and shared with the Licensing Authority and Safety Advisory Group if requested.
10. The Event Management Plan will be a "living" document that outlines the management structure, roles and responsibilities, organisation, control, monitoring and review mechanisms as identified.
11. The organisers shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that people with disabilities are catered for and will assist with access and facility requirements.
12. To ensure security and integrity of the site a level of search as by Events Coordinator prior to the event shall be instigated.
13. Recycling and other waste bins shall be provided.
14. Illegal drugs (whether known or otherwise) will not be permitted in the event.
15. Staff are to look out for signs of illegal substance use or illegal substance dealing.
16. Information about potential delays or interruptions will be relayed to the attendees as soon as they are known, and it is possible to do so.
Prevention of crime and disorder
1. EA-CAT - A reputable and experienced stewarding company will be appointed for events with high numbers of anticipated visitors to ensure public safety and to prevent crime and disorder and travel management.
2. A specific Crowd Management Plan, Drugs Policy, Search Policy and Security Risk Assessment will be drawn up and implemented.
3. The mobile bar will be required to provide and implement an Alcohol Management Plan. All alcohol consumption will be monitored by bar staff. It is the mobile bar providers responsibility to ensure that nobody under the age of 18 years of age is employed to sell alcohol and ensure that all staff are instructed about the acceptable forms of identification (ID) for proof of age and are fully aware of the Challenge 25 scheme.
4. The mobile bar on site shall have a dedicated bar manager/supervisor and team who shall be knowledgeable with the requirements and responsibilities for the sale of alcohol and shall be given a written designation of their responsibilities.
5. The dedicated bar manager/supervisor shall directly instruct, monitor, and support their staff in ensuring the requirements of the Licensing Act 2003 are adhered to at all times.
6. The dedicated bar managers/supervisors shall brief all their staff before the events.
7. All drinks shall be sold in plastic cups, PET containers or opened cans.
8. It is the mobile bars responsibility to carry sufficient lighting, and firefighting equipment, as well as sanitary and hand washing facilities for staff.
9. When a crime or other incident requiring police attendance is reported to or discovered by a security operative, following first aid provisions, if required, they shall obtain as much detail as possible with particular importance being placed on identifying victims, suspects, witnesses and scenes of crime.
Public safety
1. The event site will fully accord with HSE guidance and public safety is paramount.
2. The event site will also accord with Fire Safety measures - Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) order 2005.
3. Events Coordinator and stewards will ensure that emergency vehicle access to the site is maintained at all times as well as that emergency exits from the site are kept clear at all times.
4. Events Coordinator and stewards will be on duty from the beginning of the site build until the completion of the site breakdown. Numbers and positions will be confirmed.
5. An event and site-specific Event Management Plan will be developed and shared with the Licensing Authority and Safety Advisory Group if requested. The Event Management Plan will be a "living" document that that outlines the management structure, roles and responsibilities, organization, control, monitoring and review mechanisms as identified by the relevant Risk Assessments.
6. No alcoholic drinks promotions i.e., 2 for the price of one.
7. All food vendors and mobile bar shall be fitted with fire extinguishers, employees are only to operate the extinguisher if they consider that it is safe to do so and have been trained.
8. No flammable materials shall be stored in the bars.
9. The organisers shall carry out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment as well as use the "purple guide" on outdoor events to determine the level of first aid provision for the event, such that there is no undue demand on National Health Service resources.
10. The organisers shall have in place suitable and sufficient first aid provisions available from the start of the event.
11. It shall be the duty of the organisers to ensure that all those providing medical care on site are registered with their respective professional bodies and or organisation and that this registration is current for the duration of their presence at the event site'
12. Medical responses team shall patrol the event site and respond to incidents reported via Event Control
13. Tented structure(s)/private room shall be provided for the treatment of visitors to the event, these shall also be provided with suitable lighting, drinking water, tables, and chairs. It must be such that privacy and decency can be guaranteed whilst attending to the patient.
14. A record shall be made and kept of each visitor to the first aid tent and anybody that receives first aid on site. These records shall be retained by the medical provider for at least 7 years.
15. It shall be the responsibility of the organisers to ensure that all such incidents that is classified as reportable under RIDDOR 2013 are duly reported to the HSE within the reporting time stipulated in the regulations.
16. All medical provision planning shall take into consideration the likelihood of a major incident and shall delegate powers to the statutory identified body for such major incident e.g., the Police and the East of Anglia Ambulance Service.
17. RVP's shall be agreed with the first aid providers and identified on any site plan(s) before the event. Should these change in any way or form, the facts should be made known to the first aid providers and Event Control and the plan(s) amended accordingly.
18. Stage/Tents/Temporary Demountable Structures - All built structures are required to be fit for purpose, weighted down effectively and not pose any H&S risks to the public or stall holders in attendance - especially in poor weather conditions.
19. There shall be sufficient separation between structures to prevent fire spread.
20. All items of plant and machinery are to be parked in a secure area when not in use with regular patrols by security staff.
21. All EMERGENCY EXITS, TOILETS AND FIRST AID POSTS shall be clearly indicated, such that it is visible from all parts of the licensed area. The preferred style is for these signs to be written on material/fabric and flown on goal post signs.
22. PIT Barriers - these shall be used in areas of high crowd density such as front of stage, and around structures in close proximity to the stage.
23. All temporary electrical supplies, including all generators, distribution cabling and end connection for the arena shall be installed by specialised contractors.
24. Generators are to have sited fire equipment close by.
25. All electrical equipment must be isolated when not in use
26. All portable electrical equipment brought on site must be subject to the appropriate portable Appliance Testing (PAT) and records of these kept on site and available for inspection if required by authorised officers'
27. Events Control shall ensure that adequate and appropriate measures are taken to guard against live and overhead cables and services laid underground.
28. In the unlikely event that the show has to stop, which may be temporary whilst a problem is resolved or the first step in an evacuation of the site either due to crowd related issues, or structural collapse, off site events, extreme weather conditions or at the direction of the Police, Fire Brigade or the EVENT coordinator, or EVENT CONTROL the organisers shall ensure procedures are in place that are familiar to all key role players such that all concerned know what their role is in any scenario and that the plans can be effected immediately'
29. There must be a clear framework of information flow procedure to enable the right people to receive the correct information.
30. In the event of an emergency the PA system will be used to broadcast announcements. In the event of either the PA system or the power supply failing, there will be loud hailers available at event control and the stage.
31. The wording for the show stop and the procedure must be agreed with the Police and Fire Brigade before the event.
32. EVENT CONTROL STRUCTURE - This area shall be provided with key documentation e.g., current site plans, key contact details, alerting cascades, A&E telephone numbers for designated hospitals, message pads, log sheets, suitable and adequate means of communication including both mobile phone and radio. Means of communication designated for contacting emergency services shall not be used for other communications.
33. In the event of an off-site link e.g., control room - the organisers shall ensure that that details of the contact numbers of all the emergency services are provided to that room and ensure that communication lines whether radio or telephone to the site, and the emergency services control room are available at all times so that calls can be made to them immediately should this be necessary.
34. The contact details of all key staff shall be provided to all authorised council workers at on demand.
35. The local authority shall be informed of the intended use of pyrotechnics in advance. This shall be in form of written notification and should contain details of quantity, effect type, drawing or set plans showing the positions of each effect'
36. The company providing the display shall also complete a risk assessment, complete the HSG123 and notify the civil Aviation Authority (proof of this required).
37. A demonstration may be requested for any unfamiliar effects or if there are any concerns.
38. All concession caterers shall carry suitable firefighting equipment, suitable hand washing facilities and sanitary facilities for staff.
39. Drinking water shall be available at all times whilst the venue is open to the public.
40. The caterers will be aware of the recycling rules in advance of the event.
41. No glass shall be allowed within the licensed area, glass shall not be sold at any concession outlet or bar. Any trader found selling glass containers shall be asked to remove them from sale or face closure'.
42. All wastewater and toilet effluent shall be the responsibility of the event organiser and arrangement shall be sought to ensure the correct transfer and disposal away from the site.
43. The event site shall be cleared of all vehicles at least 30 minutes before the public are allowed on site and 30 minutes after the site is cleared of all visitors. 49. Should it become absolutely necessary for a vehicle to move or be moved either for emergency or serious public health hazards, the HEAD OF SECURITY shall ensure the vehicle is escorted at all times on to, or off the site and going at speed of not more than 5 mph.
44. LPG cylinders - These shall only be used by the concessions and managed on a basis of one cylinder in use per appliance plus one spare. All other cylinders shall be stored in agreed cylinder store at strategic points on site. EVENTS CONTROL shall ensure that the stores are clearly marked on the site plans in the Event Control Room and that they are monitored at all times for correct use. The store shall be clearly signed with flammable gas and no smoking signs. Suitable and sufficient firefighting equipment shall be sited nearby.
45. All gas installations shall have current Gas Safe compliance certificates copies of which shall be provided on request by authorised officers.
46. There shall be adequate fire separation between units of approximately 2.5m.
47. Regular patrols are to be undertaken by Events Coordinator and Stewards to ensure that all emergency exits, and escape routes are kept free of obstructions.
48. The appropriate type and number of firefighting equipment shall be provided throughout the site. Locations and numbers will be specified in the Event Management Plan.
49. Suitable and sufficient lighting shall be provided to the event site especially as it is getting dark such that all health and safety information and notice signage are easily to read and at the close of the event to enable visitors to leave the site safely.
50. All efforts should be made to prevent or reduce light pollution especially to residential properties in the vicinity and the roadway above.
51. The organisers shall have in place an arrangement (contract) with a reputable waste management company to manage the event site for the duration of the event.
52. The organisers shall ensure that sufficient, suitable and adequate purpose-built refuse receptacles are provided to the site to facilitate the cleaning of the site.
53. The organisers shall ensure that cleaning teams are deployed where necessary, prior to, during and after the event, both within the event site, the wider surrounding area and in neighbouring streets and roads where required.
54. The organiser is to ensure that all areas are left litter free and completed at the end of the event and after breakdown.
55. A suitable and sufficient risk assessment shall be carried out to determine the adequate level of waste infrastructure to be provided at the event, which may include, yard skips, bins, and waste trucks.
56. Placement of the bins in their designated positions for the duration of the event will be completed by the day before the commencement of the event.
57. The organiser shall ensure that waste management operatives litter pick and remove all waste as infrastructures are removed and ensure that all waste equipment, are removed from site.
Prevention of public nuisance
1. The proposed live and recorded music will only operate between the hours of 08:00 - 23:00. Community events are likely to run between 11:00 - 21:30 in the majority of cases multiple times throughout the year.
2. A qualified and suitably experienced Noise Management Consultancy will be appointed to produce a Noise Management Plan and provide representatives on site during sound checks and throughout the festival.
3. The Premises Licence Holder shall employ an experience sound technician to control all amplified music, speech, and vocals within the event. Prior to the event it will be agreed on an acceptable level of noise for the duration of the event.
4. Devise and implement a robust dispersal policy to ensure that patrons leave the premises and vicinity as quietly and speedily as possible. Ensure that patrons are verbally advised by SIA staff upon leaving to be mindful of the neighbouring residents so as not to disturb the Peace.
5. Local residents will receive prior notification of the event including details of the event timings as well as a contact number. The distribution radius for the notification letter will be agreed with the SAG.
6. Additionally, signage will be placed around the perimeter of the event with details of the event timings as well as the number.
7. A noise contact number will also be included to allow residents to contact an event representative should they need to make a complaint.
8. Event Coordinator, staff and stewards will be positioned around the event to guide public.
9. The event will feature a phased closure of the site to enable a gradual egress from the site.
10. A traffic management plan will be drawn up by a 3rd party surveyor and the organiser will share this with SAG.
Protection of children from harm
1. A Challenge 25 policy will be in force at all festival bars. Challenge 25 signage will be displayed wherever alcohol is sold.
2. There will be no adult or other relevant activity taking place during the festival that would be visible to children passing the event.