Annex 2 - Conditions Consistent with the Operating Schedule
General Conditions
1. Ensure secure storage and sale of alcohol.
2. Use CCTV monitoring where necessary.
3. Be vigilant and prevent any disagreement escalating into a problem.
Crime and Disorder
1. The licence holder/DPS shall implement the 'Challenge 25' scheme, ensuring prominent signage is displayed throughout the premises and that all staff are fully trained in its operation. A poster or other documentation regarding this policy must be readily available to any member of staff serving at any counter or cash point.
2. The licence holder/DPS will ensure that all staff engaged in the sale of alcohol to be given suitable training in responsible alcohol retailing. Training records shall be kept on the premises and produced to the police and authorised local authority licensing officers on demand. For the avoidance of doubt this training can be administered in-house in accordance with the relevant criteria. Training will be reviewed on a six monthly basis. No member of staff will be permitted to engage in the sale of alcohol unless they have completed this training and have demonstrated to the licence holder's/DPS's satisfaction that they are fully competent and capable of carrying out age challenges to any customer. They should also be able to demonstrate, if required, their competence to the police and authorised local authority licensing officers.
3. The licence holder/DPS shall keep and maintain a refusals record on the premises at all times. The book shall detail any age challenge and or refusals. Such matters shall be timed, dated and signed by the author and produced to police/authorised licensing officers on demand
4. The licence holder/DPS will ensure that no beer, lager, ale's, ciders, or similar with an abv (alcohol by volume) content of 6.5% or more are either stocked or sold at the premises, other than premium brands.
Public Safety
1. Display signs regarding safe drinking practices and drink driving laws.
2. Will not sell alcohol to anyone who is drunk or abusive.
Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. Police will be called if a person is causing a problem to others and refuses to co-operate.
2. Will not encourage sales by cut price deals.
Protection of children from harm
1. Monitor sales to young people over the age of 18 and refuse to serve if suspect that they are supplying under 18s.